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Bangladesh Navy Officer Cadet Batch Circular 2018

Bangladesh Navy Officer Cadet Batch Male (2nd Group) Circular

Bangladesh Navy has invited to the interested candidates to join the navy as Cadet Officer as Aircraft Pilot, Ship's Captain, Naval Commandos and Sub-Mariner. Recently Bangladesh Navy has published a circular 2018 for the post of Officer Cadet batch male (2nd group).

Candidates must be passed SSC (O level) and HSC (A level) from science group with Minimum GPA 4.50. Even HSC examiner 2017 students can apply to join.

Candidates must be Bangladeshi citizen and unmarried. In the circular they mentioned some requirement qualification for the applicants. Interested and eligible candidates can submit application for the post. Online application and manual application submission both systems are allowed.

Manual application form collection address are given in the circular. Application fees tk. 720. If anybody wants to apply online previously he should send application fees then apply. Details circular, information, instruction and requirements documents are given in the circular.

Last date of Apply:  The last date of application on  13th August 2017.

For Online Apply Click This Picture...

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